Extremely Cost Friendly

Version Pricing


Explore your data with our Guided Business Intelligence platform
  • Auto Explorer

  • Single Variable Explorer

  • Double Variable Explorer

  • Relationships Explorer

  • Target Relationships Explorer

  • Dynamic Explorer

Explorer Pro

Automatically explore, create, and cleanse your data
  • All of Explorer plus:

  • Import from SQL Server & Access

  • Rename Classes & Create New Measures

  • Auto Cleanser

  • Outlier Detection & Missing Values Handling

  • Class Text Cleansing


Automatically cleanse, optimize, and build machine learning models
  • All of Explorer Pro plus:

  • Auto Modeler (Cleanse, Engineer, Model)

  • Auto Engineering (8 Unique Methods)

  • Data Predictive Scorecard

  • Auto Machine Learning

  • Prediction Engine

CitizenDS Partners